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Word Origin & History

attraction 1530s, from Fr. attraction, from L. attractionem (nom. attractio) "a drawing together," noun of action from attractus, pp. of attrahere (see attract). Originally a medical word, "absorption by the body;" meaning "action of drawing to" is from 1540s (again medical); extended to magnetic, then figuratively to personal (c.1600) qualities. Meaning "a thing which draws a crowd, interesting or amusing exhibition" is from 1829, a sense that developed in English and soon transferred to the French equivalent of the word.

Example Sentences for attraction

Let us go straight to the attraction. and not be acting contrary to the laws of nature.

This is due to the attraction of the earth and the stone for each other.

Now, after a few days' absence, he found a flourishing village, and one by no means devoid of interest and attraction.

What attraction and counter-attraction they must exert upon each other!

By making two small sewing-needle magnets, you can easily study the laws of attraction and repulsion.

DeLong's table was the centre of attraction. owing to the high play.

Attraction is greatest where intensity is greatest, and there the barometer stands highest, and the diurnal range is least.

There is but one other attraction that approaches it in importance, and that is the annual circus.

With perfect mechanical accuracy I entered the solar system and adjusted the projectors for the sun's attraction.

The attraction in the one case is as indestructible as in the other.